
Rhino Safestore Ladder System RAS08-SK02.

Think Health and Safety – With the Rhino Safestow Ladder System A significant contribution in preventing injuries associated with loading / un-loading heavy ladders onto high roof vans.

The Rhino Safestow is the safe and easy solution for loading / un-loading long ladders on high roof vans.

Using a light but sturdy aluminium frame system combined with free supporting gas struts, ladders are raised / lowered within seconds with minimal effort.

The Safestow is adjustable to accommodate most ladder types, even heavy duty triple sets up to a maximum weight of 50kg, while designed locking facilities ensure ladders are safe and secure onto the vehicle roof.

The Rhino Safestow has been independantely Crash Tested to 20g (An equivalent force to approximately 30mph), when used in conjunction with Rhino Roof Bar Systems.

Important: Rhino only advise the use of the Safestow system in conjunction with Rhino bar systems as this combination has been tested and approved in simulated crash testing.

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